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Royal Chaos Fun Facts - TMI of RC’s 3rd Anniversary2021-02-01 18:10:28

The 3rd Anniversary of Royal Chaos has been rounded off. Recalling the past three years, things have faded in our memories. At the end of this anniversary, Yuexiu has prepared some fun facts about Royal Chaos, let's take a look!


The Most Popular Hero

Do you still remember the first time you battled alongside your heroes? In the past three years, you have met 49 unique and outstanding heroes, some of them became your capable assistants and accompanied you through days and days in the palace.


The Newborn Census

Since the Heir came to Royal Chaos, many of you may experienced the life of parenting. Is it hard for you to raise your Heirs? When you see your Heirs grew up, you must felt some sense of achievement vicariously through all parents in the world.


Palace Fashion Runway

In the past three years, 434 sets of glamorous and exquisite outfits have been put into the wardrobe of Royal Chaos. Which is your favorite outfit?


The Best Seller of Hero Skin

Royal Chaos also designed a lot of magnificent skins for heroes. When you dress up yourself every day, don't forget to select a skin for your heroes as well~


The Choice Pet Award

During these three years, apart from the outstanding heroes, cute pets also accompanied you in the palace to grow together. Did any of these lovely and powerful pets become your favorite?


Memories can't be all told by these fun facts. And nothing could express the love we have in these years. Royal Chaos will always be with you, happy 3rd anniversary to you all!

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