[Bulletin]Royal Chaos Server Merge Rules 01-25
Royal Chaos Server Merge Rules
[Bulletin]Login Tips10-25
Your highness, we are sorry for the inconvenience of the login issue. We have already fixed the issue. If you still cannot login successfully, try the following steps. *Be sure to write down your account number and passwords~
[Bulletin]3/7 Update Announcement03-07
3/7 Update Announcement
[Bulletin]12/21 Update Announcement12-21
12/21 Update Announcement
[Bulletin]Royal Chaos - Details on Account Deletion11-21
Royal Chaos - Details on Account Deletion
[Bulletin]Appraisal Announcement09-20
Appraisal Announcement
[Bulletin]NA Servers Migration Completed08-28
NA Servers Migration Completed
[Bulletin]NA Servers Migration08-26
NA Servers Migration
[Bulletin]7/26 Update Announcement07-26
7/26 Update Announcement
[Bulletin]NA Servers Migration07-24
NA Servers Migration