Event Details start
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merry christmas
merry christmas
[ Event Details ]


From00:00:00 on Dec. 19 to 23:59:59 on Dec.25 (UTC-8)


Event Rules

  1. Make a Christmas Card on this event page.
  2. SHARE your card on Facebook, Twitter, or by sending the card link to your friends.
  3. Invite your friends to hit the "Thanks" button.
  4. Win amazing rewards according to the corresponding "Thanks" you got.

Event Notes

  1. The binding character has to be more than lv. 70
  2. The card cannot be changed once confirmed.
  3. Each account can bind ONE character only.
  4. Only the login players can obtain rewards.
  5. Please claim the rewards by hitting the CLAIM button on the event page. All rewards will be sent by in-game mail.
  6. Please contact the Customer Service by email if you have any problems about the event.

*Royal Chaos reserves the right to final interpretation of this event.


You've made a card.

