Faction Battle optimization instructions regarding the 12/17 update2020-12-28 20:09:28

Your Highness,

The Royal Chaos team has received many of your feedbacks today. The new Grouping lots in Faction Battle and the adjustment of the battle Might power rules of the tiered Earth Shadow Guard have brought many doubts among your Highness. The Royal Chaos team is hereby to re-announce and explain in detail all the optimized content related to the faction battle gameplay in the 12/17 version update. Please read it carefully.

  • Faction Battle rules optimization

1. Adjust the grouping rules of the knockout round.

The top 4 factions in Point Contest are seeded factions and will be randomly assigned to the four groups of A, B, C and D. The remaining factions need to draw to determine their position in the battle map. And in the knockout, all factions will get a bonus BUFF based on their ranking in Point Contest.

2. Adjust reward distribution rules.

Rewards will be distributed uniformly according to the final ranking of the knockout competition of the player's faction.

3. Knockout rewards added faction rewards

Once obtained, it will be added to the Faction Prizes. After members apply, the faction leader will issue.

4. Adjust the Might rules of the Earth Shadow Guard

Take a fixed Might power based on the level of the faction.

5. Added the function of disassembling prize items.

The value of faction funds can be increased after a single item is decomposed.

  • The purpose of Faction Battle optimization

1. Adjust the grouping rules of the knockout round.

It is to increase the randomness of the knockout and solve the problem of fixed grouping.

2. Increase BUFF bonus reward.

It is to enhance the importance of the Point Contest and improve the gameplay.

3. Adjusted the Might of the Earth Shadow Guard.

It is to better match the Might level of factions, correspond to Might, and solve the problem of Might inconsistency.

The ultimate goal of this optimization is to enrich the game experience of your highness while ensuring that the overall reward is increased, so that there are more possibilities for the faction battle gameplay. As the December 17th version update announcement did not mention the content of the "Grouping Lots" and the "Earth Shadow Guard might rule adjustment", this has brought many doubts to Your Highness. The Royal Chaos team sincerely bow down and apologizes, and will send compensation to Your Highness via system mail within 3 working days. The Royal Chaos team will also be more rigorous in future version updates, so that the same problem will no longer occur.

[Compensation] Glory coin*100, Hazy Lover*1

[Entrance] In-game Mailbox

[Limit] Above Lv.90; has been logged on in the last 7 days       

                                                         The Royal Chaos Team


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