Update Preview: Watch Your Heir Enter Teenage2019-09-19 13:44:42

Your Highness,

After last update, my ladies were finally able to have heirs. Your highness must have been enjoying raising them. Now, Yuexiu is more than happy to inform your highness that your heirs will soon be able to grow to teenage! Heir Travel, Heir Deployment and more heir functions will be unlocked in the upcoming update! In addition, the update will also add new costumes and new weapon to the game. Let's have a look!

===Heir Functions===


Your heir will enter teenhood when his/her Study Progress in Classes is completed, and the Heir interface will also be changed. 


Heir Travel

Heirs in teenhood would go out for a travel at a random time. He/She will bring some items for you. Don't forget to prepare some food and amulet in your heir's travel bag, which will affect the rewards your heir gets from Travel.



You can find a diary right beside the heir info bar. This diary records all kinds of events that happened during your heir's growing up. This diary helps you look back on his/her growth.


Heir Deployment

Heirs in teenhood can be deployed to fight alongside their parents in combat. The deployed heirs can release skills to assist you, and 20% of their Attributes will be added to the team.

Your highness will find the entrance to Heir Deployment in the Hero interface. For now, you can only deploy no more than two heirs at the same time.


Heir Attribute

Your highness will be able to check your heir's attribute by tapping the heir in Heir Deployment. Heirs have seven attributes, which can be increased through Raise and Growth. Higher attribute leads to higher Might.


Heir EQ

Heir EQ affects the basic attribute of the heir increased in each level. The initial EQ of your heir is determined by the Classes he/she had in childhood. 

You can adjust the initial EQ of your heir by letting him/her Retake classes. Retaking classes consumes Retake Tickets, which can be purchased at mall.


Heirs can go to school once they reached Lv 60. They can increase their EQ by Reading books in school.


Heir Skill

Heirs' skills can greatly affect the battle result. An heir's initial skill is determined by his/her initial EQ, which can turn out to be: ATK or Support.


===New Costumes===


Two new costumes will be added to the game after the upcoming update.

Epic Costume - Guard & Witch


Elite Costume - Memorable Youth


===New Weapon==

A new Epic Weapon series Dazzling Ripples is going to be added to the game. Such a powerful weapon is totally worth your possession!


The new update is coming soon! Raise your heir to a handsome teenage boy/girl!

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