FACTION BATTLE GUIDE2019-06-19 17:34:51

Credit to: [SEA-S42] Austyn, [NA-140] 森林丶kahou,

 [SEA-41] Linnaea, Lin 琳, [SEA-53] Kuroyama

Note: The information provided was gathered based on the provided descriptions and players' personal experiences with Faction Battle and as such, maybe subject to error - please contact any RC Discord staff member through the Discord or in-game if any changes are needed.

Knockout Battles

Eight-finals, Quarter Finals, Semifinals, Finals

Basic Information

1. Battle will be held from 20:30-20:45 server time.

2. Helpers will be treated as faction members. (There can only be 10 Helpers for each faction).

3. The Leader/Deputy Leader can pre-assign (choose) members in the Defense team before the battle starts. (24-Hours window before battle)

Those who are chosen will be the default Defense team, even when they are offline.

4. Each side (faction) will have an Attack and Defense team

Maximum total of 1019 participants.

20 Max, DEF

999 (No Limit) max, ATK (Assuming you abandon DEF completely)

5. Online members can pick between Attacking and Defending Teams. Only members that participate in the round receive the round' s associated rewards.

Helper Recruitment Period

Right after the announcement of the top 16 Factions from the Points Contest, Factions involved will have 2 days to recruit Helpers to join in their battle.


1. 10 MAX Helpers.

2. Not required to be in the same Clan, only same server.

3. Can either apply directly, or be invited by the Leader/Deputy.

4. Once accepted, Helpers will be considered as official members of the battle throughout the finals.

5. There will be no more chances for recruitment until the next Faction Battle.

Preparation Period

Following the Helper Recruitment period, all factions on the Eight-finals List will begin a Preparation Period in which Faction and Deputy Leaders can assign a maximum of 10 Defense (DEF) team players.



The 10 pre-assigned DEF team can be OFFLINE. Leaders can ADD and REMOVE members from the DEF team up until 5 minutes before the Knockout Battle.



This 24-hour Preparation Period occurs before each Knockout Battle (Eight-finals, Quarter Finals, Semifinals, Finals). Leaders can change the DEF team for each Knockout Battle.


1. Defenders/Attackers will queue for defending/attacking.

2. When a Defender/Attacker is defeated, the next one in line will take their place.

3. Once you are defeated, you' ll be revived again. However, there will be a cool down period.

ATK Team cooldown (30s)

DEF Team cooldown (1 minute)

4. You can switch between ATK and DEF, but you' ll have to leave the battle first and enter again. There will also be a cooldown period of 1 minute. 

How to Join & Switch

1. Press "Enter Battlefield" under Faction Battle.


2. Choose the team you want to join (ATK or DEF).


3. Press "Add to List" button to join the battle.


4. TO SWITCH: Press "Leave" button. Repeat steps 2 & 3 after the 1 minute cooldown.




Faction buff ( "Faction Inspiration" ) will cost 500 ingots each and can only be used at a maximum of 4 times per Knockout Battle.

Anyone can activate. It does not have to be the Faction or Deputy Leader.

1st (5% Def), 2nd (3% Atk), 3rd (5% Def), 4th (3% Atk)

- Total: 6% Atk, 10% Def




Players are able to monitor their personal Recovery Time, their faction's Stronghold Guard's HP, and the Enemy Stronghold Guard's HP.




Players can also view the status of both their team members and the opponents by clicking the red "ATK" bubble or the blue "DEF" bubble.

This list depends on if the player is on the ATK or DEF team - i.e. ATK team will see their own ATK members and the enemy team's DEF members and DEF team will see their own DEF members and the enemy team’s ATK members.

image.png image.png

 e.g DEF Team mates      e.g DEF opponent ATK players


First faction to defeat the boss wins.

If the boss is not defeated by the end, winner will be decided by points.


If there is a draw by points, the one with the higher ranking wins. 






Extra notes

The faction battle tab is a chat place where both the opponent and your faction can see.

Faction displayed on right side's boss = South Pass / Yingge.

Faction displayed on left side's boss = North Pass / Nian Fu.

Your HP is not restored to full health after each battle until you die / enter cool down mode.

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