Heir Guide Part I - Become a Parent2019-09-30 09:56:34

Your Highness,

The Heir system has been online for a while. Have your highness gotten an Heir of your own? The Heir system has brought many new features to Royal Chaos. Please check this comprehensive Heir guide if you have any question about how to raise an Heir!

How to Get an Heir


Tap [Bedroom] - [Heir] - [Heir]

There are two ways to get an Heir.


The way for single player: Pray for Heir


You may get a Seed of Life form successful praying. You have 3 free chances daily to Pray for Heir, and you can spend Ingots to pray for another 3 times.


The Seed of Life, if you get one, will drop somewhere randomly in the game (in Bedroom, Battle, Explore or Faction Higher-ups).


After you have successfully picked up the Seed, you can then water it in your bedroom. You may water it once per day. It is also OK to invite other players (Cross-server) to help you water your Seed, you can invite at most 10 players each day.


The Seed will bloom and bear a Fruit of Life once its life points reach 1000. Harvest the Fruit to get your Heir!


The way for married player: Couple for Heir


Couple for Heir includes five stages.


The Coupling Stage: You and your spouse need to interact with each other to gain Coupling points. You will enter the next stage if the Coupling points reach 100.


The Blessing Stage: You have 3 free chances to bless your Heir per day. You may also purchase Clover to bless until you enter the next stage.


The Waiting Stage: During this stage, you have to wait for the Heir's coming. You can purchase Swaddle, Crib and Welcome Flower to accelerate the progress.


The Welcome Stage: You and your spouse have to work together to gain Welcome points. You will enter next stage if the Welcome points reach 100.


The Arrival Stage: You can name the Heir. Your Heir can be named by one of you and the other can refuse the naming in 10s. You will get the Heir after naming successfully.


Infancy & Childhood


The baby Heir needs the meticulous care of their parents.


Heir in Infancy and Childhood has five attributes: Satiety, Hygiene, Mood, Fatigue, and Health.


Satiety: Represents the hunger degree of your Heir. It drops over time. Meal will increase Satiety.


Hygiene: Represents the cleaning degree of your Heir. It drops over time. Use Bath to increase the Heir's Hygiene.


Mood: Represents the mood of your Heir. It drops over time. Entertain will increase Mood.


Fatigue: Meal, Bath, and Entertain will increase Fatigue. Heir will sleep when the Fatigue reaches 100. Sleep will decrease Fatigue.


Health: The Higher the Health is, the Faster the Heir grows. The Health is affected by Satiety, Hygiene, and Mood. Your Heir will get sick with a low Health value.


The Heir in Childhood can be registered to study in Classes. There are many Classes for you to choose for your Heir. Each class can be studied 5 times at most. Your Heir will enter teenhood after attending classes for 40 times. The quality of the Heir will be improved accordingly when the Class is over.


If you want your Heir's fighting style to be offensive, then choose following classes: Boxing, Swordsmanship, Broadsword, Music, Chinese Painting, Western Painting, Soccer, and Zither.


If you want your Heir's fighting style to be defensive, then choose following classes: Music, Poetry, Entertainment, Bible, Paper Cutting, Sightseeing, Zither, and Moon Appreciation.


The selection of Classes affects the Heirs' EQ when he/she grows to teenhood, and even determines their future development. So think twice before choosing a Class for your Heir.


Next time, Yuexiu will bring to you Heir Guide Part II, which will cover the introduction of teenage Heir. See you soon!

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