Learning Makes Your Heirs Strong -- The Imperial Study Guide2020-02-13 17:51:08

Imperial Study is now available in Royal Chaos! As a parent, one of your responsibilities is to educate your heirs. Lead your heirs to learn skills from masters and win amazing rewards. How to cultivate your heirs to elitist? Check this out.

Entrance: Bedroom - Heir - Imperial Study


Select the Heir & School you want to send them to study when first enter. There are 2 School options: Maester's Chamber & General's Mansion. Your choice should be based on your heir’s developing orientation.

Maester's Chamber: damage & damage boosting skill learning

General's Mansion: shield & damage decreasing skill learning



After selected a mentor to follow first time, your heir will get Childhood Memory】Costume as reward from the mentor.


There are 3 parts in the Imperial Study: Trial, Grade, and Daily Rewards.



Every Heir can complete 3 Trail quests daily in the Imperial Study. Both of you and your lover can help the Heirs to complete the quest. But the quests can only be completed once daily by either of you. Besides, after you complete a certain number of quests weekly you will win chest rewards and chance to get rare Heir School Books! The parents share the quest completing progress.


Heirs can obtain Scores and Exp by completing the Trial in the Imperial Study.

The difficulty levels of Trial quests are different. Only apprentice with a high grade can accept quests of high star levels. The higher the star level is, the richer the rewards your Heir will get after completing the quest. Improve your Heir's grade to unlock higher star level quests.

The quests come randomly. You can get high star level quests by Refresh or Quick Clear.



When the Heir in the Imperial Study meets the grade improvement score requirements (The Scores only serve as a condition of grade improvement and won't be deducted), he/she can enter the grade improvement challenge. After the grade improvement, the Heir can get a brand new identity, unlock more powerful Master Skills, and obtain richer rewards.


There are 5 grades and each of them corresponds an identity which has different privileges & skills (you can check them by tapping the identity). Your Heirs will unlock higher star level quests, get more grade rewards, powerful skill, and EQ boosting, once he/she got higher grades.


Also, you can transfer your Heir to the other institute.


Go and complete more quests in the Imperial Study to learn more skills! Your Heirs will be more and more powerful.


Daily Rewards

The Heir with the highest grade can claim the Daily Rewards. If you have a lover, you and your Lover can both claim the Daily Rewards once a day. Don't forget to keep improving your Heir's grade to get richer daily rewards.


So, that's all Yuexiu can introduce to you about the Imperial Study for now. Yuexiu believes that your Heirs will be the best in the best with your cultivation & mentor's guiding.

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