Home System finally released!
You can unlock HOME system in EXPLORE after clearing Stage 280.
Hurry up and explore this new feature!
There are various functions in Home and now let me show you around!
First, the Home Level is very important, we can unlock new farmlands, crops and buildings as leveling up.
Level up home by harvesting crops and completing quests.
Fertilizers and Forages can be obtained after harvesting and they can be used to speed up the growth of crops and animals.
Additionally, there is a chance to get rare seeds when harvesting!
There are some Home Quests everyday, You will be rewarded with Home EXP and Pet Eggs after donating certain amount of crops.
When you are waiting for the growth of crops, let's explore the Pond!
Your highness can get 10 FREE baits everyday.
Press the button and start fishing!
Press Reel when the hook moves to the fish-shape area.
Nice catch! A successful catch will consume a bait while fail to catch does not consume any bait.
In Workshop, you can craft Training and Feeding items for pets.
Incubator is a room to incubate pet eggs and get new pets.
Want to figure out how the Pets work?
Don't worry, Yuexiu will give everyone a detailed guide about pets next time!
Do you want to visit yout friends' Home?
Pressing the Visit button and have a look!
Your highness can get rewards (10 times a day) by helping friends water crops or clean their farmlands.
You can also steal crops from friend's Home.
That's all for the guide of Home System.
Let's go and check it out!
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